Saturday, May 21, 2016

soft Install System (NSIS)

NSIS Quick Setup Script is a wizard interface appliion aiming at guide NSIS installations developers through the preparation and crtion of their software installation.
The preparation of the script is fully customisable, allowing developers to set up and modify the desired preferences. It takes just three plain steps to prepare and crte a full working and rdy for distribution installation.
Moreover, developers have the ability to save the erated script on their local system, keep it either for reference, or for further elaboration with their preferred editor.

NSIS Quick Setup Script is a win 32 appliion, edited completely using the power of soft Scriptable Install System.


NSIS Quick Setup Script is fully tested on MS XP pro sp2, and MS 98 SE, though, it must be compatible with all versions supported by NSIS.
This appliion is indented to crting and compiling NSIS scripts so the obvious requirement is a current and active NSIS installation on the system where it's going to be used.
Furthermore there is not any special requirement nor complied rules of usage.


NSIS Quick Setup Script does not require from the user to write even a single line of , though, allows experienced developers to edit the erated script by the way they like, and recompile it adding personalised and new ftures.
Even if you have not any knowledge on NSIS scripting lang, or you are a developer who is getting bothered to write all the needed and you just want to make the final customisations and improvements, you can get started with NSIS Quick Setup Script and get your distribution rdy in a snap.
All you have to do before you proceed, is to have all your software related files intact, stored in a separate folder on your local system.
Additional files that must be installed in special folders e.g. Appliion Data directory, should reside in their respectively separate folders as well.
Then just follow the three simple, straight forward plain steps, and you are done.
Versions History

Currently version 1 09.18.2006 final
Changes since version 1 05.17.2006
Bug Fixed. Appliion could not produce the output on certain machines where NSIS is not installed on default (C:\Program Files\NSIS) directory.
Version 1 05.17.2006 final is out.
Parts of rewritten, focused to appliion's stability and speed.
Changes since beta 8
Added ability to save/load project settings.
When appliion is first time launched, crtes some INI into the current dir, and offers option either to save the complete project just when the erate button is pressed, or to save the current state if the cancel button is pressed on every one page of the three steps.
Also a recent 5 projects list is crted and the user has the ability either to browse for an existing project, or select a recent one from the recent projects droplist.
Changes since beta 7
Main exe now is optional field. This mns that either your app has not an executable, or for some rson you do not wish to point to that file, now you're able to bypass this field. In this case, there is not ability for crting shortcuts though.
Add files remains unchanged. There is not need for changes on this field since actually it is optional. You may combine it or not with the above field according to your preferences. If you have only one exe for distribution, and you want a normal installation for this, (crte shortcuts etc), then point to that file on the above field and browse for the dir where that file resides on this field.
Check erated script for details on how to take advantage of the new ftures.

A big thanks goes to Instructor for his precious bunch of macros & functions, and bugs reporting on Win98/Me.
Also to Iceman_K author of EclipseNSIS, for his help on testing and reporting bugs and improvements as well.
Also to kichik NSIS developer for his continuous advices to keep backwards compatibility, to add the load/save project fture, to cln and re-write the , finally, to improve this appliion.

This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the author be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial appliions, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
The origin of this software must not be misrepresented;
you must not claim that you wrote the original software.
If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
Altered versions must be plainly marked as such,
and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
This notice may not be removed or altered from any distribution.

NSIS Quick Setup Script (74 KB) the current relse.
Help in html format (85 KB)
Winamp Forums thrd.
This is the place to post your comments and suggestions. Also bugs reporting goes here.

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